St. Clement Roman Catholic Parish
Our parish is blessed to have members who provide their time and talents as liturgical lay ministers, and we are always happy to welcome new help. If you are interested in any of the following ministries, please contact the parish office; what a special way to answer your baptismal call to service!
Our Lectors/Commentators welcome the gathered assembly, proclaim the Word of God in the First and Second Readings, lead the Prayers of the Faithful, and read announcements at the end of Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers
Our Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful.
Children's Liturgy
Our Children's Liturgy team, led by Mary-Jo Hehn, brings the Good News to our younger parishioners (ages 3-8) during the 9am Sunday Mass.
Hospitality Ministry
Our Hospitality Ministers welcome parishioners, provide directions and assistance when necessary, take up the collection, and distribute the bulletin at the end of Mass.
Music Ministry
Our choir is lead by Angela Strauss. We are blessed to worship with beautiful music.
Altar Servers
It is a joy to watch our young parishioners serve at the Lord's table! Students (Grade 3 and older) who would like to be altar servers are asked to contact the parish office to be connected with our altar server coordinator, Jeanne Gravelle.