St. Clement Roman Catholic Parish
MISSALS FOR 2023-24 – The new missals are available for $5.00 each. Please stop by the rectory or approach Fr. Irenaeus after Mass to make your purchase.
COLLECTION ENVELOPES - The 2024 envelopes are available for pick up at the back of the church. Thank you for your generosity!
FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION - Beginning October and lasting for 9 months. There will be Adoration and Confession at 6pm, followed by Mass at 7:45 pm. For an explanation of the First Friday Devotion, please use the following link
WOMEN’S MINISTRY (DAY) – Join us Wednesday afternoons during lent, at 1pm in the church hall.
We will watch a video and have group discussion and prayer. The videos, led by Fr. Mike Schmitz, are based on a 20th-century spiritual classic "He Leadeth Me" by Fr. Walter Ciszek, an extraordinary account of a Catholic priest who endured solitary confinement and labor camps for 20+ years. His incredible spiritual reflections will help us give God total sovereignty of our lives and help us experience true freedom in Christ. We will begin this week, Wednesday Feb 21 at 1pm in the church hall. NOTE: there is Noon Mass each Wednesday and you are welcome to join us for a soup lunch at 12:30 before our session begins. Please call Sharon 519-570-6453 so we know much soup to prepare.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY (EVENING) – Join us every second Tuesday for 7 weeks. Our first session is Tuesday Feb 27th from 7- 9pm. We will be reading and discussing the book “Love like a Saint: Cultivating Virtue with Holy Women.” The book is $23. Please call Sharon to order your copy.
CHRISTIAN MOTHER'S SOCIETY FRIDAY ADORATION – The Christian Mothers are encouraged to gather to pray for our families, parish and community every Friday during Adoration from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. This is followed by a time of fellowship and lunch at a local restaurant. If you need a ride please call Fran (519-699-5243) or Mary (519-699-5369).
COFFEE & FELLOWSHIP - Join us for sweet treats and socializing in the parish hall (located in the basement) after 9am Mass on Sundays in St. Clements. Special thanks to Julie Pankiw and the volunteers who provide the refreshments! They are always looking for helpers; contact the office to get involved!